I got this dress in my latest Stitch Fix & I've worn it quite a few times already, even though when I first pulled it out of the box, I was like 'eh, this one will probably go back.' Goes to show you can't judge a dress right out of the box or on the hanger!

 My challenge for all of you next time you are in stores, pick up an item you aren't 100% sure about. Just try it on and then make your decision. I've been doing this lately & while I've always known that items look different on the hanger compared to on your body, I usually only pick up items I love on the hanger and then feel disappointed when it doesn't work out. Instead I've been picking up items I'm not sure about and then I feel pleasantly surprised when they work out!

Tell me your 'try it on' moment. Have you tried on a piece you were unsure about and fallen in love?

Michelle Paige