Goodbye to the first quarter century of my life & hellllloooo to my next quarter!

rachel roy palm dress

steve madden stecy sandals

To be honest, it doesn't really even feel like my birthday this morning; it kind of snuck up on me this year, but here we are - JULY 15! Amazon Prime Day! Premiere Night for The Jim Gaffigan Show & Impastor on TV Land & most importantly, my 25th Birthday!

palm printed dress

rachel rachel roy dress

Also - before I end this post, I just want to shout out to both of my parents since this was by far the toughest blog photos that I've taken so far (balloons + wind = fail). Also, of course, for birthing me :)

number balloons

Michelle Paige

PS. If you want to give me a great birthday gift, you'll figure out what channel TV Land is on your TV & watch tonight at 10p EST ;)