Instead of a single resolution this year - I created a 'bucket list' of 15 goals I hope to accomplish in 2015:

1. Grow Michelle's Pa(i)ge total reach.
2. Read more books; 20 sounds like a fair number
3. Try (again) to learn Portuguese. 
4. Purchase a new computer. 
5. Craft/bake something found on Pinterest
6. Exercise at least twice per month (hey, it's a start). 
7. Invest & learn to use a DSLR camera. 
8. Try new foods
9. Do a better job at staying in touch with family & friends. 
10. Visit somewhere you've never been 
11. Take a road trip
12. Send friends handwritten notes, just because. 
13. Go on a one month 'no buy.' 
14. Save up & buy one luxury item because you deserve it
15. Don't sweat the small stuff!

What's on your to-do list for 2015?

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